This memoir is composed by James Patterson and recounted by Andre Blake. Ali Cross and The People vs. Alex Cross are stunning narrations of Andre Blake. An incredible tip top and six professional killers were free as a bird. Alex Cross was as well.
A pioneer has fallen and Alex Cross joined the parade of grievers from the Legislative center Slope to the White House. Then a marksman’s slug had an objective in the core of DC. Alex Cross’ better half, Bree Stone recently raised the head of DC criminal investigators and should tackle the case or lose her situation. The Mystery Administration and the FBI conveyed too in the competition to track down the shooter. Alex was entrusted by the new president to lead an examination exceptional in scale and extension. [Target: Alex Cross Audiobook]

Alex Cross used to be an extraordinary person yet has transformed into an inferior criminal investigator alongside his unintelligent head of criminal investigator spouse, Bree. Patterson has dumbed the two of them down and it was painful to pay attention to the horrendous storyteller perusing dreadful composition. Practically every person in the book was not conceivable due to the blockhead exchange. Likewise, Cross has transformed into a showoff with his three uncommonly brilliant and capable children. [Target: Alex Cross Audiobook]
A D1 ball whiz, a track star enrolled by the best track schools in the nation, and a sprouting junior Einstein who has transformed into a preferred criminal investigator over his father. Inconceivable. The essayist kept on encouraging the ideal, immaculate, remarkable family classification which contributed only interruption to the storyline, which was great in any case.