The Alice Network is a fiction novel. It is written by Kate Quinn. She is a brilliant young writer of historical fiction novels mainly. The Rose Code is one of her most loved novels. You will also find her Signal Moon novel to be an excellent read/ listen as well.
Saskia Maareveld handled the narration of The Alice Network audio novel. She narrated this book without any flaw in her performance.
The Alice Network has a story of a couple of women. The first one was recruited as a spy in the Alice Network in France. This was during the time of World War II. The other was an unconventional type of socialite from the USA who in 1947 was searching for her cousin. They both were brought together in this gripping story of redemption and courage.

In 1947, Charlie St. Clair, an American college girl was pregnant without marriage. She was on the brink of being disowned by her family. She was hoping that Rose, her beloved cousin who disappeared in France during World War II might be alive still. So, when Charlie was banished to Europe by her parents then she decided to go to London. She was determined to find out the truth about her cousin whom she loved like a sister.
In the year 1915, when it was a year into the Great War, Eve was looking to become part of the fight against the Germans. She got her chance when she was recruited to work as a spy. After that, she was sent to France and was trained by Lili who was known as the Queen of Spies.
After three decades, the Alice Network has already been torn apart due to betrayal. Eve then used to spend her days drinking alcohol and limited herself in her crumbling house which was in London…
The strongest part of The Alice Network audio novel is its narration. The book has several storylines and all of them didn’t work well as such. However, the author was good to switch seamlessly between stories.