Tim Gerard Reynolds has the exact kind of voice and tone for fantasy books like this novel. The narrator can quickly attract the attention of the listener and then no one is going anywhere till the end of the story. The story is told in such an enthusiastic way that there is no one in the world who would like to leave it incomplete for another day. Edward W. Robertson has written this second part even better than the first part and this gives the fans hope too that they would be listening to better literature on every next step.
Cally and Rowe are still on the move and their purpose is not fulfilled yet. They want to restore a proper rule on the land which is not possible until they get their hands on an ancient artifact. They have searched a lot but it seems that the artifact is hidden from the eye quite cleverly.

Cally is worried about his true identity as well because something that has been told to him about his birth is just not right. Finding the copy of the Cycle is not an easy thing in such a scenario and as the two move forward they are caught because they were searching for the thing which is forbidden.
The chances to survive are less than the two heroes expected because there are no allies on the path which they have chosen. The Last Tomb and The Twelve Plagues kind of pace is not seen in this novel because the author wanted the audience to enjoy everything in slow motion this time. Just wait with patience and you will love every word of this story.