From the first book to the third, this is an entire trilogy packed in a single set for the fans of Erica Stevens. The author is known for her awesome writing and the themes which are seen only in her creations. No one can think of the way in which the author writes her stories. There is a tragedy and lusty romance going side by side in many stories.
Aria’s story is a bit different than the rest of the stories like Salvation or Unbound. She was captured by the vampires for no reason and she hasn’t been able to comprehend the reason behind the thing. One thing is for sure i.e she would never be able to see her family again. Even if she is given a chance to meet her family again, there is a possibility that they might not allow her to enter their premises.

She is considered to be one of the vampires now and no matter how much she tries to run away from this fate, there is no possibility. Moreover, she gets chosen as the blood slave for the royal family and once again her fate becomes worse just when she was trying to mend a few things in her life. Luci Christian has intentionally added a sad tone and style in narration as nothing is going in the favour of Aria in this episode.
From the beginning of the novel don’t underestimate the potential of Aria because she too has a lot under her sleeve and she is not going to present herself as a piece of cake to the ruling vampire family. Blood slave or not, she is going to find a way out for herself.