Tavore Paran the leader of a large army is threatened by mutiny in the top ranks of her squads. The woman has high aims but her hopes are not high at this point because some soldiers in her army want her dead. She on the other hand is planning to start a war against the gods which will have her killed as well.
Steven Erikson has been presenting the odd type of characters in this series and Tavore is one of them. Moreover, there is an army known as the Forkrul Assail which wants to get rid of every living soul in the kingdom so that a new race can come into being.

The Forkrul Assail are of the view that the old race has been corrupted by different things and that’s why the world needs a new and pure race. Seeing mutiny in Tavore’s army makes them feel delighted because in this way their job will become much easier. Lastly, Steven Erikson presents a group of three gods who are planning to set free a dragon that will eat up everything which the human possesses within no time.
The dragon is bound by ancient seals and now those seals are weakening. Michael Page while narrating does not use a variation in the sound, all the chapters move on with the same loudness and pitch. Most of the characters that we find in Deadhouse Gates and Gardens of the Moon are not present in this part. So if you haven’t gone through those initial two parts then it will not have any impact on the listening of this part.