Aliens and humans are fighting again, this time there is a driving force which is working against both of them in a hidden way. Humans started exploring the galaxy long ego because the earth was not sufficient for them anymore. They explored and found not only places to live but also other life forms which didn’t prove to be very friendly. Aliens which the humans met in the galaxy started attacking the human colonies very soon and in response, the Colonial Union was formed.
Colonial Union started borrowing soldiers from the earth and formed a defense mechanism to save the earth and other colonies of the human race. For years the thing continued and was a success too but then suddenly the rulers on earth refused to send their soldiers for the defense purpose. The Colonial Union started to go down in power which means that sooner or later an alien attack will snatch everything from the humans.

Lieutenant Harry Wilson is one of those who are still loyal to the Colonial Union and he is on a mission to find out who is behind the whole tension. There is a threat that a group from the humans is actually planning these fights between the humans and aliens so that their personal goals can be fulfilled.
John Scalzi paints a disastrous time for the humans and aliens together in this novel. Old Man’s War and The Collapsing Empire never portrayed a situation in which the aliens were being deceived by a human group. In this novel narrated by John Scalzi himself along with Tavia Gilbert and William Dufris there is a group of humans that acting as a catalyst in war.