The Eye of the World is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the first installment in Wheel of Time novel series which went on to become one of the most terrific series ever. It is written by Robert Jordan who is a maestro in the science fiction genre. This series is regarded as one of the best from him that got international recognition and fame. The author is known more for his novels like The Great Hunt and The Shadow Rising.
Michael Kramer and Kate Reading took on the charge to narrate this amazing novel. Their performance fulfilled all the criteria for a spectacular narration. It has great expression and easy to understand accent.

The Two Rivers got brutally attacked by the Trollocs. It was a highly savage half-men tribe and half beasts. Five of the villagers from Trollocs managed to flee that night and reached a world that they could have never imagined ever. The place was having many new dangers and enemies waiting for them for them. The risk for them was in the light and in the shadows as well.
The Eye of the World will take you in a highly engrossing fantasy world. It is a bigger novel in every aspect. It have a bigger world with much deeper characters. The book only demands you to be focus and then you will be automatically pulled into it. It might be because of the slightly complex plot of this novel. The series is also on the making of a grand TV series which is highly anticipated by the audience. It is believed to be as successful as the series itself.