The Great Hunt Audiobook
The Great Hunt is the second chapter in the Wheel of Time novel series. The book and the series is a science fiction fantasy about which the majority of fans of the series are well aware of. It is one of the finest novels that Robert Jordan has written in his lifetime. However, he got plenty of others that his fans rate well above this one. A couple of those novels from the author are: The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising.
The narration is very superbly handled by the duo of Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. They did it brilliantly just like the first chapter. They received excellent reviews and feedbacks for their excellent coordination and quality of narration.

It is nothing but the Wheel of Time that spins and we see ages come and go. All that it leaves behind are the memories, which goes on to become legends. The same legends gets further processed to become myths and that is then long forgotten when the age makes a return again. The third Age is the Age of Prophecy and in this time, the time and World both hangs in the balance. The things related to the past, present and future might all just go and fall under the Shadow.
For any centuries, it was gleeman who had been telling the great stories of The Great Hunt which was of the Horn. There are plenty of stories about all the involved Hunters. The Horn itself is discovered now. It is the Horn to raise all of the dead heroes of the different ages. But, it has got stolen now.
Try this novel and you will never regret it. It is highly tempting and you might feel like listening to it on a loop.