With greater powers and opportunities there also come curses that are hard to digest. One who gets the powers also receives curses which make his or her life a living hell. V.E. Schwab talks about the greatest gift which a person wants in life i.e living forever. Everyone wants to live forever but then there is an issue attacked to it as well. While you are forever the rest of the world around you is slowly decaying and new faces are taking place of the old ones.
Which makes you a stranger for the next generation. Each time an era comes to the end and a new one takes its place you got to adjust yourself to it like a newcomer. In 1714 Addie LaRue made a bargain of such sort according to which she will live forever but with it is a curse i.e no one will ever remember her.

She performs good deeds and also tries to make her mark in history but everything about her is forgotten in the end. Three hundred years pass in the same pattern and then in the voice of Julia Whelan, we get the shocker. A man meets Addie in the market and he tells her that he remembers her name.
Addie is surprised and thinks that perhaps the curse has finally been lifted or the man also has a secret which he does not want to share. At this point, the story takes a twist and after that, there are surprises everywhere which makes us stunned. Addie’s life after three centuries starts becoming colorful and perhaps this is for the last time.