The Mystery of Alice Audiobook
The Mystery of Alice is a teen & young adult mystery thriller. This book is written by Lee Bacon. He is a fantastic author of fantasy, children, and teen & young adult novels. Joshua Dread is his most loved series. The audio narration of The Mystery of Alice is done by Bryan Kennedy, Josh Hurley, Jessica Almasy, Libby McKnight, Cassandra Morris, Michael Crouch, and Emily Bauer. You will enjoy the performances, especially that of Emily Bauer. She was loved for her clear and gripping tone.
Emily Poe was 30 years old. She was provided with a lifetime opportunity. It was a grand chance to attend the Audyn School. It was located in Manhattan. But, to win that scholarship, she was supposed to pass a test. It was something that she had never experienced before. There would be an almost bare room, a collection of some weird clues, and then a locked door. There will also be a mysterious organization of the Leopold Foundation, which was watching over all of her moves. [The Mystery of Alice Audiobook]

But, the real test Emily had just started. Despite all the challenging and strange circumstances within a new house and within a new school. Emily bonded instantly with her Alice Wray. She was her fellow scholarship winner. Things soon took a sharp turn ahead especially when Alice went missing. [The Mystery of Alice Audiobook]
Emily was determined to find the truth behind the sudden disappearance of Alice and she also wanted to trace her soon. But, she found herself drawn within the inner circle of the elite of the Audyn School. That Nobility group had secrets of their own. As the clues mounted and further lies complicated the scenario, Emily must look to bifurcate fiction from the truth, so that she could solve the mysterious case of Alice. The story of this novel will captivate you right from the start. It will fill you with loads of emotions along with a few worries and thrills as well.