The Obelisk Gate Audiobook
Tragedy can approach us in many ways and no matter how hard we try, there comes a time when we fail to counter it. However, it is not necessary that the tragedy we are facing is also linked to the fate of the entire world. For Essun, the tragedy is of this type because the world is being destroyed and there is nothing she can do about it.
The destroyer of the world wants Essun to work for him and she has to work for him if she wants to save her daughter who must complete her quest. For the time being, Essun thinks that she has found shelter in the world and she might be able to get the job done before it is too late. Her daughter is gaining her powers but it will take time and the destroyer will not slow down his invasion at any rate.

The situation becomes more and more serious and something has to be done or the world will turn into ashes very soon. N.K. Jemisin might have received all the fame that he needed from The Fifth Season and The World We Make but the emotional relation between a mother and her daughter is purely outclassed in this book.
For more love and energy, Robin Miles was asked to narrate the novel and the man has really shown that he has the guts to tackle such stories. This is not the first part of the series, those listeners who don’t have any information about the background of the story should go for the first part before buying this one.