The Stone Sky Audiobook
The world has been corrupted and there are two women who can make their way out of it. If they are able to make their way out of this trouble then there is a chance that they might save the world as well. The problem is that both of them are not thinking alike. The Moon is going to return very soon and before this, they have the chance to correct the incorrect. Essun has inherited a special kind of power and she can use to it save others.
The first one she wants to save is her daughter named Nassun. Her daughter has been lost in the land of evil from which no one has ever returned. Essun thinks that she can save her daughter and can eradicate the evil which has taken over her body and soul. Her daughter on the other hand does not think in the same way.

She thinks that the evil has gotten into her bones and it will die with her. So in order to get rid of the evil, Nassun must destroy herself and this is the only way through which the world can be saved. N.K. Jemisin has thrown the mother and daughter in a tough situation because they cannot work on the same line.
The mother wants to save her daughter at any cost while the daughter thinks that she has understood the truth about darkness. The Fifth Season and The Obelisk Gate have ample magical stuff in them. It has been the trend with Jemisin’s books and the narrator of this book Robin Miles was well aware of it. Magic takes us to the dark world where evil is in power and the power of light weakens in most stages.