Elena was badly wounded when she was brought to the coven by one of the two brothers who are actually vampires. The Vampire Diaries, Book 1, and The Vampire Diaries, Book 3 told every listener how the two brothers fought over the possession of Elena. At first, they thought that bringing her into the coven was not the right idea and then they got addicted to her. Stefan wanted her so badly that he was ready to fight for her against her brother but Elena is not the same girl anymore whom she loved.
She has transformed into something which she was destined to be. Though she had avoided it for a very long time and now she has started to embrace reality. Thus instead of Stefan, she is with Damon and this has made Stefan mad with rage. He is of the view that the time to fight his brother in a one on one fight has finally come. Damon on the other hand thinks that he has finally got his price because Elena is with him but deceiving or leaving his brother was one thing that he never wanted.

L.J. Smith wanted this part to be full of sorrow that’s why everyone is fighting with each other. Apparently, Elena is the only one who looks happy as she wanted to transform. She was afraid of the transformation because she thought that she would get out of control but there is no such issue at this point.
This fourth part of the series has totally twisted everything for the three major characters. Rebecca Mozo’s voice also remains serious throughout the story due to the intensity.