The Work of Art is a Regency romance novel. the book is the first chapter of Somerset Stories. It is written by Mimi Matthews. She is mainly known for writing Regency and Victorian romance novels. Among her best books, you will find The Belle of Belgrave Square as one of them. Moreover, A Holiday by Gaslight is another book by the author that you cannot afford to miss. The audio narration of The Work of Art is done by Ale Wyndham. This was a spectacular narration that brought the story to life in the best possible manner.
Phyllida Satterthwaite has hidden away in rural Devonshire. She was always considered to be more odd than beautiful. However, in London, her oddity made her a great sensation. Even worse, it also caught the eye of the immensely sinister Duke of Moreland. He was a notorious collector of artwork and was obsessed with acquiring of one its kind of treasures. To escape the clutches of the duke, she would need some help.

The good old days of the heroism of Captain Arthur were well over. He was badly injured in the Peninsular War, and he couldn’t walk unaided at all, let alone shoot with a pistol. What use he could be to a damsel in distress? He had nothing with him to offer, only except his good name.
Could a marriage of convenience save Philly from the duke? Or did having a life with Arthur would put her, and her heart in more danger than ever before? In The Work of Art, you will find the author beautifully weaving mystery and suspense with a passionate love story.