Torn is a contemporary romance novel. It is the opening title of the All Torn Up novel series. The book is written by Carian Cole. She knows and writes romance exceptionally well. One good example of her excellent literary writing could be found in her Don’t Kiss the Bride. On top of that, No Tomorrow is another marvelous book by Carian Cole.
The audio narration of Torn is done by Noella Bridges and Mason Lloyd. Both of the narrators were flawless with their performances, and they were able to deliver all the emotions required for the characters. He had loved me right since the day I came into this world. He was 15 years my senior and he had always been my protector. He was the one that I should never want. But the reality was that I was born to be his.

She was the one who loved me, shattered me, and healed me always. Kenzi was the daughter of my best friend. I held her in my arms right on the day she was born, and I would never let her go. She was forbidden to me. But at the same time, she was the only one who would get me. We both slowly got torn apart by everything that we loved or everything that we wanted or desired. And then I want that one thing that I couldn’t have. I wanted her at any cost.
Torn is an incredible kind of romance tale that might not be for everyone. But the book is truly unforgettable with its story and characters, which comes with so many exciting poetic words and quotes.