The life we like or want to have is often not granted to us even when we work hard for it. Those who get such opportunities consider themselves the lucky ones because they have been allowed to forge their own heaven on earth. Such people shine as the yardstick who is to be followed if someone wants success.
Russell Green knew all about such feelings because at the age of thirty-two he finally had everything which he has once desired a few years back. He has worked hard for it and his luck has also been running in his favor in many things. He has a good job which is providing ample money for a luxurious life and his loving wife is another spice in his life. The six year old daughter brings positive hopes and energy to the life of this couple which is bound to shine.

The apartment in which the couple is living is in a posh area of the city so life is moving toward greatness for Russ and he wasn’t expecting any kind of tragedy at all. When he got struck with tragedy it was not just a single tragedy. He lost his job in an instant after which he wasn’t able to afford the apartment. Going to the smaller apartment and losing the job was not a big tragedy because Russ thought that he would be able to achieve those things in a short period of time once again.
Here Nicholas Sparks adds a big tragedy for his main character i.e his wife also leaves him and he is left with his daughter in a small apartment. Ari Fliakos narrates with a sad tone because Russ gets pessimistic about life for a while. Then quite amazingly, he gets hope back in life and he thinks that he can get what he desires. Dreamland is the type of thing that Russ wants in his life and he is confident that he can have it. Giving time to See Me would be the best thing for every listener.