It is an adventure that Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton have woven together as authors of the book. First, the book comes with some history of the past that includes the story of a pirate who had a strange kind of treasure in his possession. The treasure is said to have gold coins and rare jewels in it.
Stone of Avarice was also a part of that treasure which Peg Leg buried somewhere deep. The pirate was killed because of that treasure and he was later mummified but no one was able to get to the treasure afterward. Lizzy and her lover Diesel are also among those who are after that rare stone that vanished along with that big treasure.

They have worked to find the missing links for a long time and now they think that they have enough clues with the help of which they would be able to dig out the treasure. Lorelei King narrates the story in the same old style here which the fans like very much. In the voice of the narrator, we come to know that the couple is not the only team after the treasure.
Diesel’s cousin Wulf is also after the treasure for a long time and he wants to have Lizzy too. In a nutshell, the man wants everything that Diesel holds dear to his heart so the war becomes personal like that in Going Rogue and One for the Money at the later stages. Getting to the treasure was tough for all the characters in the novel and when they reach the treasure they come to find out the reason why it was kept hidden from the rest of the world.