“Woken Furies” is the book which made Richard K. Morgan rise high in the world of literature. Previously other books of the type Altered Carbon and Broken Angels ruled the minds and thoughts of millions but this is an even better addition in the world of fantasy. Book comes up with a hero who has faced everything in his life such as betrayal and death of his dear ones. The name of the soldier is Takeshi Kovacs and he was not a soldier from the beginning.
In his early life he was the member of a gang and then life changed for him and he emerges as a hero in front of the world. Here when William Dufris starts narrating the story Kovacs is just relaxing because he has no further missions to deal with and he has finally got some time to get relaxed in a bar. Everything was going fine when a beautiful woman sitting near him gets attacked by three men.

Kovacs just could not stop himself from helping that rare beauty and though he saved the woman but he because of his act landed in a big trouble. The woman was a complicated thing and everything related to her was a mess. Kovacs could have moved aside but he was unable to leave Falconer.
Fighting with gangs and AI systems was not new for Kovacs that’s why he thought that everything would be over quite soon but he was wrong. The thing which is sent to kill the soldier this time is unique and deadly. The enemy has sent a younger and strong Kovacs to get rid of the old one. The duplicate not only has the same moves but he also has the same thinking capabilities which make things really interesting in this book.