Written in My Own Heart’s Blood is a historical fantasy romance novel. It is the eighth entry in the Outlander novel series. The book is written by Diana Gabaldon. She is an American author who has written books in multiple genres that features elements like historical romance, adventure, mystery, and science fiction. Dragonfly in Amber and An Echo in the Bone are two of the best novels of the author.
The audio narration of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood is done by Davina Porter. She stood out with her unique voice, which was aptly used for the characters. Diana Gabaldon in the subject title told the amazing story of Claire Randall, which was an English ex-war nurse. She was the one who walked right through a stone circle in the picturesque Scottish Highlands in the year 1946, and soon she disappeared. She was found again in 1743. The story then unfolded from there in the seven exciting bestselling novels.

France declared war on Great Britain. The British army soon left Philadelphia, and the troops of George Washington left Valley Forge in pursuit. At that time, Jamie Fraser returned from a supposed watery grave to find that his friend married his wife. His illegitimate son later discovered who his real father was, and also about Ian, his beloved nephew looking to marry a Quaker. Meanwhile, Claire, the wife of Jamie, and his sister, Jenny were busy picking up all the shattered pieces.
The Frasers could well be thankful that Brianna, their daughter along with her family was all safe in Scotland in the 20th century. Brianna was looking for her son, who was kidnapped by a man who was fully determined to learn the secrets of his family.