Xenocide Audiobook
Orson Scott Card is one of a kind author who can mesmerize the audience for a long time. After listening to the novel for a while we get addicted to the theme. We want to remain floating in that world of imagination that was clear in Ender’s Game and also in Speaker for the Dead.
This is the third part of the series and Ender thinks that he has finally found the perfect place for the three species. Lusitania is the perfect place where the humans, the Hive Queen, and the Pequeninos can live together.

The planet is suitable for all three but it has a virus that can kill humans in an instant so in order to transport humans to this planet, firstly the issue of the virus should be dealt with on a serious note. Pequeninos need to transform into adults and this newly found planet can make this thing possible which is a good sign initially for them. There is a big problem i.e a fleet is coming to destroy this planet and it has to be stopped. There should be another way to deal with the problem instead of the total annihilation of its inhabitant.
Scott Brick narrated most of this part of the novel and Amanda Karr and John Rubinstein also join in. This is a critical portion of the series and it will decide the future of all three races that have fought wars for dominance in the past. All these three races want to survive eventually and they are not in a position to take any kind of risk. This time Ender’s decision will decide the fate of the entire universe.